Weight Loss

Weight loss will happen in a safe and healthy way by incorporating healthy nutritional habits and burning calories through movement.

Weight Management through Circuit Training

Circuit training (cross training) is an efficient and challenging form of conditioning and ideal for weight loss management. It works well for developing strength, endurance (both aerobic and anaerobic), flexibility and coordination. Circuit training is superb for general fitness with emphasis on weight loss and caters to a wide variety of fitness levels.

A great time saver, it can be a refreshing and fun change from the more monotonous types of exercise. Weight Loss management through circuit training is:

  • a brilliant way to improve on cardiovascular endurance and concerns
  • a great way to stop, prevent, or control:
    • diabetes
    • pulmonary disease
    • elevated cholesterol
    • high blood pressure
    • and obesity

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Personal Training Services

Strength Training
Weight Loss
Performance/Athletic Conditioning
Special Populations
Pilates Equipment

The first fitness assessment is included in packages of 20 or more sessions.

A person’s body is made up of many different components. Some of the major components are bone, muscle, organs, and fat. The amount or percentage of the fat component is of great interest to most of us. It is what everybody is concerned about when they think about their appearance, health, fitness, and longevity 

A fitness assessment includes:

3 minute cardiovascular evaluation (measuring recovery heart rate)
3 muscular endurance

Body dimensions
(measuring lean muscle

A skinfold evaluation 

Approximately ½ hour in length 
All assessments should be repeated every 6-10 weeks to evaluate progress and adjust program design. 

All payments are due on the date of the first session.
Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will incur a charge equal to one session.
Rates are subject to change. Prices will never change during a purchased training package. Sessions expire after 6 months of the purchase date.

Schedule your personal fitness assesment today! Website Maintained by Infinite Designs, Inc.